Criminal Crew Ranking

Current rank of all crews represented in the social club, separated by number of members.

Crews with 1 member

# Rank Crew
1 99 Yuta’s 베이비 모찌 sexy red hair
2 2188 Vex oh

Crews with 2 members

# Rank Crew
1 92 Heavenly
2 97 Tatakae
3 101 Devil Union
4 102 좀 다른 spicy
5 103 소주 babes
6 104 Lunatic Asylum
7 105 Crazy Form
8 106 Animated
9 107 4:00 AM
10 108 yayaya 점점 더
11 109 Mild Coma
12 112 Unforgiven Boys
13 122 Whiplash
14 124 XO
15 137 Born Golden
16 138 Royal Babies
17 146 Kiss Me
18 149 dirty kisses
19 150 mutual obsession
20 151 Trouble Twins
21 152 김치
22 153 OG 백
23 154 kitty gang
24 155 OG 백준
25 162 moonless
26 2314 like daddy like daughter

Crews with 3 members

# Rank Crew
1 85 loverboys
2 126 Cuties
3 141 honeybee buzz
4 264 Ragevil
5 271 Utopia
6 274 OG 준
8 726 Soulmates