Helsingin kaupungintalo
City Hall is from where the local politicians rule their cities. Although the mayor is rarely present here, it's still a good place to visit to air your political views and receive help with everything regarding your citizenship.
You become a citizen of this world by purchasing a citizenship for credits. Once you've done that all matters regarding your citizenship is handled here at city hall.
Corey & Fleur ৎ୭˚˖٠
Note from the Management
Tervetuloa Helsinkiin!
Helsinki foorumilta löydät vinkkejä ja apuja monenlaisiin kysymyksiin.
Helsinki Foorumi-info: 1587857.6 Poimintoja Helsinki foorumilta: - Helsingin Poliisi
2102439.1- Lääkäri päivystys
1846087.1- Aloittelijarahasto
1133345.1- Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia
2079461.1 Tervetuloa mukaan!