Most Popular Artists from Helsinki

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 RoLex #2 Rock
2 HUUSKA #17 Pop
3 Bon Voltage #12 Electronica
4 HAAVEKUVA #23 Reggae
5 Me #25 Jazz
6 64.Gunnhild Pohjanjousi #34 Rock
7 Touch me #25 Classical
8 Endymion #47 Heavy Metal
9 Pink Lady & Cityboy #46 Pop
10 3005 #83 Rock
11 Mien'harel #34 Flamenco
12 Cocaina #34 Reggae
13 Helsinki Philharmonic #35 Classical
14 Sabotaasi #62 Heavy Metal
15 Royale #38 Classical
16 Ice Cream Blues Twelve Bar #47 Blues
17 The Magic of the North #30 World Music
18 Freak Rockers #112 Rock
19 Absolutely Deniable #41 Latin Music
20 Dαrĸ IℓℓυѕιΩɴS #34 World Music
21 Feммe Faтałe #38 Flamenco
22 lolololollololololoololoo #72 Heavy Metal
23 LazerHawk #58 Electronica
24 Syntinen paskiainen #79 Heavy Metal
25 White Lies #39 Reggae