Acid Rain

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 5h of drive 275
British Blues Rock
2 a cat named Bjorn 500
British Blues Rock
3 a cat named Eli 500
British Blues Rock
4 a cat named Yuu 500
British Blues Rock
5 a kitten named Bjorn 500
Folk Rock
6 a noob moment to remember 500
7 acid peeling 500
Folk Rock
8 Acid rain 500
Folk Rock
9 acid rain 500
Folk Rock
10 addicted to Yuu 500
British Blues Rock
11 afterlife 655
Folk Rock
12 angel baby 500
Hard Rock
13 angel face 500
Hard Rock
14 angel face 500
Hard Rock
15 angel face 500
Hard Rock
16 attractive 260
British Blues Rock
17 aura 520
Garage Rock
18 autumn is coming 270
British Blues Rock
19 babEli 500
Hard Rock
20 babeYuu 500
Hard Rock
21 babiest babie Elibabe 500
Rock & Roll
22 baby candy boy 500
Hard Rock
23 baby candy on the way 500
Hard Rock
24 baby Eli 500
Hard Rock
25 baby Euikon loves me 345
Garage Rock
26 baby hubbie>>> 500
Folk Rock
27 baby me, pet me, love me 500
Folk Rock
28 baby nose 500
Guitar Rock
29 baby smell 500
Guitar Rock
30 beautiful boy 500
Folk Rock
31 beauty and beauty 500
Folk Rock
32 best baby Bjornie 500
Folk Rock
33 best baby Eli 500
Folk Rock
34 bills to pay 280
British Blues Rock
35 Bjorn addict 500
Surf Rock
36 Bjorn addiction 500
Surf Rock
37 Bjorn day 500
Hard Rock
38 bjorn in my cells 500
Glam Rock
39 bjorn in my heart 500
Glam Rock
40 Bjorn in my heart and #censored 500
Hard Rock
41 Bjorn in my heart, soul and #censored 500
Hard Rock
42 bjorn in my soul 500
Hard Rock
43 Bjorn obsession 500
Surf Rock
44 Bjorn tastiest menu 500
Rock & Roll
45 Bjorn the breakfast 500
Folk Rock
46 Bjorn the whole meal 500
Folk Rock
47 Bjorn the whole menu 500
Folk Rock
48 Bjorn time 500
British Blues Rock
49 Bjorn’s babie 500
Folk Rock
50 Bjorn’s delicious face 500
Folk Rock
51 Bjorn’s delicious lips 500
Folk Rock
52 Bjorn>>> 500
Guitar Rock
53 Bjornification 500
Hard Rock
54 Bjornification in progress 500
Garage Rock
55 Bjornified 500
Garage Rock
56 Bjornland 500
Folk Rock
57 blood red 500
Hard Rock
58 blue cat 500
59 blue fire 500
Folk Rock
60 boiling hot 500
Folk Rock
61 boo 500
British Blues Rock
62 bound by love 500
Garage Rock
63 brain chemistry 550
Folk Rock
64 breakfast is important 500
Guitar Rock
65 bubbly Bjorn 500
British Blues Rock
66 bubbly love 500
Guitar Rock
67 california is not ready for me 285
British Blues Rock
68 Candy for Eli 500
Garage Rock
69 candy for elipie 500
Garage Rock
70 Candy is good for Eli's health 500
Garage Rock
71 candy stick 500
Garage Rock
72 catching Bjorn 500
Guitar Rock
73 charging cable 500
Folk Rock
74 chocolate kitty 735
Hard Rock
75 choose love 325
Garage Rock
76 cleanse us acid rain 500
Guitar Rock
77 closer 500
British Invasion
78 coffee break 265
British Blues Rock
79 cold shower 500
British Blues Rock
80 collide with me 500
British Blues Rock
81 constellations 500
British Blues Rock
82 cosmic 335
Garage Rock
83 craving your taste 500
Folk Rock
84 crazy for Bjorn 500
British Blues Rock
85 crazy minds 480
Folk Rock
86 criminal love 215
Surf Rock
87 cringe and sweet 500
Folk Rock
88 cringe boybands 535
British Blues Rock
89 cringe but cute 500
British Blues Rock
90 cringe but cutie 500
Garage Rock
91 crowded places 325
Garage Rock
92 custom Candy for Eli 500
Garage Rock
93 cute hubby 500
Guitar Rock
94 cute purrs 500
Garage Rock
95 daddy meow 500
96 Daddy Torvald 500
Garage Rock
97 daddy torvald loves baby neko 500
98 dancing in the wind 480
Folk Rock
99 darumdarimda 405
100 daydream 490
Folk Rock
101 daydream 490
Folk Rock
102 daydream 500
Folk Rock
103 deliberately 740
Hard Rock
104 dirty rat disco 495
Folk Rock
105 divine 500
Hard Rock
106 divine love 500
Hard Rock
107 divine power 500
Hard Rock
108 do you want a Candy, Eli? 500
Hard Rock
109 dripping gold 500
Folk Rock
110 early morning cuddles 500
Guitar Rock
111 early morning cuddles 500
Folk Rock
112 elections 495
Folk Rock
113 electric heartbeat 500
Garage Rock
114 eli babie 500
Hard Rock
115 eli pie baby 500
Hard Rock
116 eli pie yummy 500
Garage Rock
117 eli pie yumyum 500
Guitar Rock
118 Eli time 500
Guitar Rock
119 Eli’s baby bum 500
Guitar Rock
120 Eli’s Candy 500
Hard Rock
121 Eli’s cute button nose 500
Guitar Rock
122 Eli’s fluffy kitten belly 500
Guitar Rock
123 Eli’s fluffy kitten tail 325
Garage Rock
124 Eli’s kitten bumbum 500
British Blues Rock
125 Eli’s kitten bummy 340
Garage Rock
126 Eli’s kitten face 500
British Blues Rock
127 Eli’s kitten nose 500
British Blues Rock
128 Eli’s sensual kiss 500
British Blues Rock
129 Eli’s sensual purr 515
Folk Rock
130 Eli’s sensual touch 500
Surf Rock
131 Eli’s tiny paws 515
132 Elibaby is coming 500
Garage Rock
133 Elikitty 500
Folk Rock
134 elipie babie 500
British Blues Rock
135 Elipie Yummypie 500
Hard Rock
136 Eli's kitten lips 335
Garage Rock
137 Eli's sensual meow 500
Surf Rock
138 Eli's sensual purr 350
Garage Rock
139 emergency love call 95
British Blues Rock
140 Euikon (baby) 500
Hard Rock
141 Euikon is my baby 500
Hard Rock
142 Euikon purr 500
Surf Rock
143 Euikon, my love 500
Folk Rock
144 Euikon's butt 500
Surf Rock
145 Euikonssi 500
Surf Rock
146 figs and oranges 745
Hard Rock
147 Fire on the Mountain 500
Guitar Rock
148 fixing fences 500
Guitar Rock
149 floating 330
Garage Rock
150 flu season 325
Garage Rock
151 fluffy 500
Hard Rock
152 fluffy bed 275
British Blues Rock
153 fluffy cats 500
154 for Euikon 500
Surf Rock
155 forever meow meow and eli eli 500
Garage Rock
156 forever spring 740
Hard Rock
157 get close to me 250
British Blues Rock
158 give me a meow 745
Hard Rock
159 give me your heart 500
British Blues Rock
160 give me your love 500
British Blues Rock
161 glam shot 500
162 good morning sunshine 270
British Blues Rock
163 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500
Guitar Rock
164 ha ha ha ha speech 330
Garage Rock
165 halazia 555
Hard Rock
166 handomse fr 545
British Blues Rock
167 handomse is a lifestyle 930
Hard Rock
168 handomsening 560
Hard Rock
169 happiest shade of blue 500
170 happy morning 500
Hard Rock
171 heart beats 505
Folk Rock
172 hickeys 500
Rock & Roll
173 hoa hoa hoa hoaaa season 275
British Blues Rock
174 holding hands is required 500
British Blues Rock
175 hollywood dream 310
British Blues Rock
176 hot girls summer but only in a/c spaces 500
Garage Rock
177 hot veins 320
Garage Rock
178 Hotties 500
Surf Rock
179 House of the Rising Sun 500
Guitar Rock
180 hubby Yuumy 510
Garage Rock
181 hug me or hug me 500
182 huggy bear 500
Folk Rock
183 Hurri in Bjornland 540
Surf Rock
184 i am Torvald's babygirl 500
Surf Rock
185 i appreciate what's mine 500
186 i crave your body 500
Hard Rock
187 i failed the guide lol 500
Garage Rock
188 i just wanna love Yuu 500
Guitar Rock
189 i like double txts; yess bother me, baby 560
Folk Rock
190 I need to breathe 500
Guitar Rock
191 i need vitamin U 500
British Blues Rock
192 i overslept omg 500
193 i wanna dance for you only 200
Folk Rock
194 I wanna kiss Bjorn and then make love 500
Garage Rock
195 i wanna sleep 555
Folk Rock
196 i want to sleeeeeep 520
Glam Rock
197 i’m a baby for Bjorn 500
British Blues Rock
198 i’m obsessed with Yuu 745
Hard Rock
199 i’m so sleepy today 750
Hard Rock
200 i’m the golden retriever husband 750
Hard Rock
201 i’m Yuu addict 750
Hard Rock
202 if you don't bite me, i will bite you 500
Guitar Rock
203 i'm a princess for Yuuprince 750
Hard Rock
204 i'm cute only for yuu 500
Blues Rock
205 i'm either annoying or annoyed 500
British Invasion
206 indestructible 500
207 juya daddy 500
Folk Rock
208 kiss me or kiss me 350
Folk Rock
209 kiss me sloppy 500
British Blues Rock
210 kiss me under the acid rain 500
Southern Rock
211 kissy time 500
Folk Rock
212 kissy time with hubby 500
Southern Rock
213 Let me hold you like a baby 500
Garage Rock
214 light it up 500
Garage Rock
215 love me more and more and more 500
Rock & Roll
216 love me or love me 500
217 love runs out 500
British Invasion
218 lunatic 500
British Invasion
219 make me purr 500
Folk Rock
220 make me your bitch, Bjorn 500
British Invasion
221 make you cry (sexually) 500
British Invasion
222 mee yuu 500
British Invasion
223 meow with me 500
Folk Rock
224 meowlander 500
225 miyuu purrr 500
Glam Rock
226 mushy mushy 500
Glam Rock
227 my chest near your heart 500
228 my growing addiction for Bjorn 500
British Blues Rock
229 my handsome baby Bjorn 500
230 my love for Euikon 500
Glam Rock
231 my love for Torvi 500
Blues Rock
232 my luv 500
Glam Rock
233 my yuulover 500
British Blues Rock
234 never let go of my hand 500
Folk Rock
235 paint me blue 500
Guitar Rock
236 paint me pink 500
Garage Rock
237 pet me for a meow 500
238 pet me, i'm soft 500
Folk Rock
239 piepie 500
Glam Rock
240 pinku pinku 500
British Invasion
241 poof magic 500
British Invasion
242 purr Yuu purr 500
Glam Rock
243 purry purr purr 500
Glam Rock
244 purry song for Yuu 500
Glam Rock
245 purry time with hubby 500
Folk Rock
246 ride or die 500
Folk Rock
247 sleeping is fun 500
British Invasion
248 song 500
Glam Rock
249 songie 500
British Blues Rock
250 Stand near to me, don't look, be brave 500
251 stay close, Eli 500
British Invasion
252 stay in my life 500
British Blues Rock
253 sugar spice 500
254 sun on my face 500
Folk Rock
255 sunlight 500
Folk Rock
256 things are going well 500
Guitar Rock
257 to the left, to the right, hold my hand 500
Guitar Rock
258 too pretty to be driving myself 500
Garage Rock
259 Torvi 500
British Invasion
260 undressing your soul 500
Folk Rock
261 vanilla 500
Folk Rock
262 warm bath 500
Folk Rock
263 we are yuurora 500
British Invasion
264 we're pregnant 500
Acid Rock
265 when you see this, call me 500
British Blues Rock
266 you are my forever baby 500
Acid Rock
267 you before everyone and everything 500
Folk Rock
268 you know how to react 500
Garage Rock
269 Your eyes told me 500
Blues Rock
270 your love makes me purr purr 100
Surf Rock
271 your mind is my paradise 90
Surf Rock
272 Yummy bubbly hubby 125
Surf Rock
273 Yuta the it boy 110
Surf Rock
274 Yuta the prince 95
Surf Rock
275 Yuu addict 110
Surf Rock
276 Yuu addiction 115
Surf Rock
277 yuu and mee 500
Glam Rock
278 Yuu babie 85
Surf Rock
279 Yuu hubby, look i’m famous 90
Surf Rock
280 yuu mee 500
Blues Rock
281 Yuu obsession 85
Surf Rock
282 yuubabelove 500
Folk Rock
283 Yuubabie 500
284 yuulove 500
British Blues Rock
285 yuulover 500
British Blues Rock
286 yuuluv 500
British Blues Rock
287 Yuum Yuum 500
288 Yuum Yuum Yuum 500
289 YuuMeeYuu 500
290 Yuummy 500
291 Yuumy babie 500
292 Yuumy hubby 500
293 Yuumy Yuumy 500
294 YuumYuum 500
295 yuurora 500
British Invasion
296 yuuroraaa 500
Folk Rock
297 Yuu's princess 500
298 Yuuyummy 500
299 YuuYuu 500
300 yuuyuuyuu meow 500
301 YuuYuuYuummy 500
302 YuuYuuYuumuumy 500
303 YuuYuuYuuYuummy 500
304 YuuYuuYuuYuuYuuYuu 500
305 zoo 500
Guitar Rock
306 마치 된 것 같아 손오공 500
Garage Rock

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 241 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.