星云兄弟 Brother

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 10P/Tempel 2 坦普尔2号彗星 500 Lovers Rock
2 11P/Tempel-Swift-Linear 坦普尔斯威夫特林尼尔彗星 470 Lovers Rock
3 12P/Pons-Brooks 庞斯布鲁克斯彗星 480 Lovers Rock
4 14P/Wolf 沃尔夫彗星 455 Lovers Rock
5 16P/Brooks 2 布鲁克斯2号彗星 460 Lovers Rock
6 18D/Perrine-Mrkos 佩伦马尔科斯彗星 470 Lovers Rock
7 20D/Westphal 威斯特普哈尔彗星 465 Lovers Rock
8 23P/Brorsen-Metcalf 布罗森-梅特卡夫彗星 455 Lovers Rock
9 24P/Schaumasse 肖马斯彗星 350 Lovers Rock
10 25D/Neujmin 2 诺伊明2号彗星 470 Lovers Rock
11 42P/Neujmin 3 诺伊明3号彗星 500 Lovers Rock
12 52P/Harrington-Abell 哈灵顿-阿贝尔彗星 415 Lovers Rock
13 59P/Kearns-Kwee 基恩斯-克威彗星 465 Lovers Rock
14 60P/Tsuchinshan 2 紫金山2号彗星 440 Lovers Rock
15 65P/Gunn 冈恩彗星 500 Lovers Rock
16 66P/Du Toit 杜托伊特彗星 500 Lovers Rock
17 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 丘留莫夫-格拉西缅科彗星 500 Lovers Rock
18 6P/D'Arrest 达雷斯特彗星 455 Lovers Rock
19 70P/Kojima 小岛彗星 500 Lovers Rock
20 71P/Clark 克拉克彗星 500 Dancehall
21 7P/Pons-Winnecke 庞斯温尼克彗星 500 Lovers Rock
22 Antlia 唧筒座 500 Lovers Rock
23 Apus 天燕座 500 Lovers Rock
24 Camelopardalis 鹿豹座 500 Dancehall
25 Cassiopeia 仙后座 500 Lovers Rock
26 Cepheus 仙王座 500 Lovers Rock
27 Cetus 鲸鱼座 500 Lovers Rock
28 Corona Austrilis 南冕座 500 Lovers Rock
29 Crucis 南十字座 500 Lovers Rock
30 Delphinus 海豚座 500 Dancehall
31 Fornax 天炉座 500 Lovers Rock
32 Horologium 时钟座 500 Lovers Rock
33 Hydrus 水蛇座 500 Lovers Rock
34 Indus 印第安座 500 Lovers Rock
35 Leo Minor 小狮座 500 Dancehall
36 Microscopium 显微镜座 500 Lovers Rock
37 Monoceros 麒麟座 500 Lovers Rock
38 Musca 苍蝇座 500 Lovers Rock

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 116 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.