Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.
You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.
# |
Song |
Popularity |
Genre |
1 |
Ą kū darai? |
630 |
Pop Reggae |
2 |
Afterlife |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
3 |
Alkis |
215 |
Pop Reggae |
4 |
Alko |
220 |
Pop Reggae |
5 |
Alyvos |
215 |
Pop Reggae |
6 |
Amžinos senmergės daina |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
7 |
Ananasai |
200 |
Pop Reggae |
8 |
Angelai (ne mes) |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
9 |
Another time |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
10 |
Apmiręs miestas |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
11 |
Ar dar sugrįši? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
12 |
Ar išprotėjai? |
625 |
Pop Reggae |
13 |
Ar kada nors mane vesi, velny?! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
14 |
Ar mano vyras sus? |
220 |
Pop Reggae |
15 |
Ar pagimdysi man dukrą, madam? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
16 |
Ar tikrai reikia to pavadinimo? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
17 |
Ar tu vis dar čia? |
200 |
Pop Reggae |
18 |
Arbata su pienu |
625 |
Pop Reggae |
19 |
Are you scared? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
20 |
Aš būsiu čia |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
21 |
Aš būsiu tavo amžinai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
22 |
Aš būsiu tavo gyvenimas |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
23 |
Aš kartais pasvajoju |
215 |
Pop Reggae |
24 |
Aš tavęs pasiilgau |
225 |
Pop Reggae |
25 |
Ašmenys |
235 |
Pop Reggae |
26 |
Aštuoniolikta |
215 |
Pop Reggae |
27 |
Atmintis |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
28 |
Atsipalaiduok |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
29 |
Balta ir juoda |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
30 |
Bėga metai, bet ne aš |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
31 |
Believe |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
32 |
Beprotybė |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
33 |
Big Bang stars |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
34 |
Big Bang! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
35 |
Big Bango karaliai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
36 |
Black rose |
490 |
Pop Reggae |
37 |
Boytoy |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
38 |
Bum bum bum |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
39 |
Bumčik bumčik tralialia |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
40 |
Call me |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
41 |
Catch me if you can |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
42 |
Celibatas ne savo noru |
205 |
Pop Reggae |
43 |
Dafuq just happened?! |
480 |
Pop Reggae |
44 |
Daina, kuriai nereikia pavadinimo |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
45 |
Darius Dementevas |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
46 |
Dark song about dark things |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
47 |
Delikatesai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
48 |
Devil is my middle name |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
49 |
Die for love |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
50 |
Diena po rytojaus |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
51 |
Dilemos |
490 |
Pop Reggae |
52 |
Dita Belan |
450 |
Pop Reggae |
53 |
Dita, Dina, Dima ir... Ilya |
190 |
Pop Reggae |
54 |
Do you have enough space in your heart? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
55 |
Don't stare at my (.)(.) |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
56 |
Dramų kalnas |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
57 |
Dreams and nightmares |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
58 |
Ella, I love you |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
59 |
Failure |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
60 |
Gaila, o gal ir ne |
630 |
Pop Reggae |
61 |
Gal laikas nusileisti ant žemės? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
62 |
Garso takelis dramai "Terra Incognita" |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
63 |
Geri planai, prastas įgyvendinimas |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
64 |
Geriausia visų laikų drama |
620 |
Pop Reggae |
65 |
Geriausios akimirkos |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
66 |
Grandioziniai planai |
420 |
Pop Reggae |
67 |
Green flag |
510 |
Pop Reggae |
68 |
GSG and nothing less |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
69 |
GSG eternity |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
70 |
GSG is GSG |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
71 |
GSG melody |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
72 |
GSG or GS? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
73 |
GSG world tour, where are you? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
74 |
Gurkšnis muzikos |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
75 |
Happy days |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
76 |
Heartbeat |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
77 |
Heartless |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
78 |
Hold my hand |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
79 |
Hope |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
80 |
Hope is not dead |
455 |
Pop Reggae |
81 |
Hot tea with lemon |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
82 |
How do you sleep? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
83 |
Hurricane |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
84 |
I (don't) know |
510 |
Pop Reggae |
85 |
I hope this time we'll be the best |
450 |
Pop Reggae |
86 |
I kissed you first |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
87 |
I love cocktails... and you |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
88 |
I miss you |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
89 |
I wanna be GSG |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
90 |
I wanna be the best of the best |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
91 |
I wanna be your stalker |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
92 |
I wanna drink and fuck tonight |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
93 |
I wanna feel you |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
94 |
I wanna sleep all week |
505 |
Pop Reggae |
95 |
I want GSG tour |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
96 |
I want to be happy |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
97 |
I want to win everything |
465 |
Pop Reggae |
98 |
Iliuzijos gali skaudžiai įgelti |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
99 |
I'll be happy only after GSG world tour |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
100 |
Insane |
530 |
Pop Reggae |
101 |
Is this the last time trying to be GSG? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
102 |
It's time to be the best |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
103 |
Jam tinka suknelės |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
104 |
Juodai sufeilinom |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
105 |
Juodai susivarėm |
285 |
Pop Reggae |
106 |
Just a joke |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
107 |
Just a song |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
108 |
Just a song |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
109 |
Just kiss me |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
110 |
Kai nėra meilės |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
111 |
Kaip netyčiom prireikė daktaro |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
112 |
Kaip pakeisti praeitį? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
113 |
Kicking asses |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
114 |
Konkolai |
620 |
Pop Reggae |
115 |
Kur dingo mūsų ambicijos? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
116 |
Kutikuti |
550 |
Pop Reggae |
117 |
Laikas laimėti taurę! |
190 |
Pop Reggae |
118 |
Laikas prisiminti sceną |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
119 |
Laikyk mane tvirtai, pasauli |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
120 |
Laimėtojai nenusileidžia niekam |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
121 |
Laukinė gėlė |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
122 |
Laukiniai laikai |
415 |
Pop Reggae |
123 |
Laukiu, bet nesulaukiu |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
124 |
Lelijos |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
125 |
Let me be your safe place |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
126 |
Let's kick asses! |
440 |
Pop Reggae |
127 |
Let's play |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
128 |
Lietus |
410 |
Pop Reggae |
129 |
Light of the Universe |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
130 |
Listen to my heart |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
131 |
Lonely days, lonely nights |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
132 |
Look at me |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
133 |
Lopšinė |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
134 |
Love not war |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
135 |
Magical |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
136 |
Mano širdies vagis |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
137 |
Mano vyras kažkoks sus |
505 |
Pop Reggae |
138 |
Mažytė šviesa tamsoje |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
139 |
Meilė - kvailas sutvėrimas |
560 |
Pop Reggae |
140 |
Melisų arbata |
620 |
Pop Reggae |
141 |
Melodijos, kurių negroja niekas kitas |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
142 |
Mes nugalėsim visus (gal) |
190 |
Pop Reggae |
143 |
Mes šviesim ryškiau už saulę |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
144 |
Mirtis |
505 |
Pop Reggae |
145 |
Mood |
345 |
Pop Reggae |
146 |
Mother |
400 |
Pop Reggae |
147 |
Mother - such a strange creature |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
148 |
Mūsų bandymai, mūsų laimėjimai |
205 |
Pop Reggae |
149 |
Mūsų fanams |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
150 |
Mūsų melodijos |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
151 |
Mūsų planai amžinai nepavyksta |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
152 |
Mūsų svajonės |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
153 |
Mūsų vakarai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
154 |
Muzika, kuri gydo |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
155 |
Muzikos skonis |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
156 |
My cute psycho |
205 |
Pop Reggae |
157 |
My heart is beating |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
158 |
My name is Belan. Dita Belan |
420 |
Pop Reggae |
159 |
N-18 |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
160 |
Natural beauty |
545 |
Pop Reggae |
161 |
Nauji papai nepadėjo laimėt |
100 |
Pop Reggae |
162 |
Ne žmogus |
620 |
Pop Reggae |
163 |
Neabejokite mūsų sėkme! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
164 |
Nebėra energijos |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
165 |
Nebėra harmonijos |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
166 |
Nelaimingų namų griūtis |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
167 |
Nemeluok sau |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
168 |
Nepamirštama melodija |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
169 |
Nereikia |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
170 |
Netyčia tapom daugiau nei 0 |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
171 |
Nevykėliai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
172 |
New tour, new dreams |
465 |
Pop Reggae |
173 |
Next move |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
174 |
Nightwalker |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
175 |
No money |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
176 |
Norėjau hito, o gavosi kaip visada |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
177 |
Nori autografo? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
178 |
Noriu valgyt |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
179 |
Nugalėsim visus, kas pastos kelią! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
180 |
Numb |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
181 |
Nuobodumas kankina mane |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
182 |
Nuobodus pasaulis |
405 |
Pop Reggae |
183 |
Nusirenk |
190 |
Pop Reggae |
184 |
Nusišypsok, pasaulis gražus |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
185 |
Nuvyto ne tik gėlės, bet ir planai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
186 |
O man atostogos visai patiko... |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
187 |
Oh well... |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
188 |
Our golden moment |
465 |
Pop Reggae |
189 |
Our music will be GSG |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
190 |
Pabandykime dar kartą! |
190 |
Pop Reggae |
191 |
Pakelkim taures už pergalę |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
192 |
Paniūniuok su manimi |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
193 |
Pasirodo neverta nieko... |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
194 |
Paskutinės sekundės iki laimėjimo |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
195 |
Pavargau laukti ir nesulaukti |
205 |
Pop Reggae |
196 |
Pavargau nuo visko |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
197 |
Pilka, o gal juoda? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
198 |
Play with me |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
199 |
Player |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
200 |
Prašau tik nuoširdumo |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
201 |
Ramus ritmas |
405 |
Pop Reggae |
202 |
Red |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
203 |
Red flag |
140 |
Pop Reggae |
204 |
Redhead |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
205 |
Remember this feeling |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
206 |
RomantiK gestai |
620 |
Pop Reggae |
207 |
Romantiška melodija apie nieką |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
208 |
Saulė ir mėnulis |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
209 |
Saulė prie jūros |
525 |
Pop Reggae |
210 |
Scenarijus, kurio nelaukėm |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
211 |
Senmergių balius |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
212 |
Shadow |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
213 |
Shitty day |
555 |
Pop Reggae |
214 |
Shitty song for shitty single |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
215 |
Should I kiss you? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
216 |
Silence |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
217 |
Širdies muzika - tuk tuk tuk |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
218 |
Šnabždesiai |
405 |
Pop Reggae |
219 |
Snow |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
220 |
Sour candy |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
221 |
Stay with me |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
222 |
Stop lying |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
223 |
Sumuštekai su šlapenka |
460 |
Pop Reggae |
224 |
Sweet lemonade |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
225 |
Sweet melody |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
226 |
Sweet or not |
505 |
Pop Reggae |
227 |
Šypsenos verta melodija |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
228 |
Šypsokis! |
380 |
Pop Reggae |
229 |
Tavo lūpos kaip korėjietiškas ramenas |
190 |
Pop Reggae |
230 |
Tavo šypsena - gražiausia pasauly |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
231 |
The best hit in the world |
465 |
Pop Reggae |
232 |
The sun is rising |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
233 |
The sun is so bright today |
450 |
Pop Reggae |
234 |
They don't care about us |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
235 |
This night |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
236 |
This time |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
237 |
Time is running out |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
238 |
Tirpsta ne tik sniegas |
820 |
Pop Reggae |
239 |
Tos šviesios dienos, kurių nebėra... |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
240 |
Tralialia |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
241 |
Tralialialia |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
242 |
Tu - mano gyvenimo gija |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
243 |
Tu mane pamiršai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
244 |
Turas po turo |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
245 |
Tuštuma |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
246 |
Tylu |
515 |
Pop Reggae |
247 |
Tyluma žudo |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
248 |
Tylumoje girdžiu tylą |
405 |
Pop Reggae |
249 |
Tylūs vakarai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
250 |
Unknown number |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
251 |
Užmirštuolė |
510 |
Pop Reggae |
252 |
Veidmainiams nėra vietos mano gyvenime |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
253 |
Vėjas prie jūros |
275 |
Pop Reggae |
254 |
Vėl kelyje |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
255 |
Vienuma |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
256 |
Vienuma žudo mane |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
257 |
Vingiuotas kelias link pirmos vietos |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
258 |
Visa tiesa apie rytojų |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
259 |
Viskam ateina pabaiga |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
260 |
Viskas atsibodo |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
261 |
Viskas bus gerai |
190 |
Pop Reggae |
262 |
Visur senų laikų pėdsakai |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
263 |
We are the best! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
264 |
We have the power! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
265 |
What the heck?! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
266 |
What's happening |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
267 |
Where's my boyfriend? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
268 |
White noise |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
269 |
Why I feel so alone? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
270 |
Wife |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
271 |
WiW, where are you? |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
272 |
Woohoo! |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
273 |
You are my first love |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
274 |
You left a mark in my life |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
275 |
You make me melt |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
276 |
Your lips |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
277 |
You're beautiful |
500 |
Pop Reggae |
278 |
Žalioji arbata |
630 |
Pop Reggae |
279 |
Žingsnis po žingsnio |
410 |
Pop Reggae |