Under the Sea

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 1950 500 Opera
2 325864 500 Opera
3 523523 390 Opera
4 7 Days To The Wolves 500 Opera
5 785439 375 Opera
6 857469 390 Opera
7 a flor no cabelo 500 Opera
8 a little something in the cut 500 Opera
9 a princesa dormiu 500 Opera
10 a princesa não precisa dele 500 Opera
11 a sorte 500 Opera
12 a thought in my head 500 Opera
13 about me 500 Opera
14 acabei indo 500 Opera
15 Accept 500 Opera
16 acorda, princesa 500 Opera
17 Ain’t no time for talking 500 Opera
18 All I wanna do is quit 500 Opera
19 All I wanna do is take you to my place 375 Opera
20 Allegra N.2 500 Opera
21 Amaranth 500 Opera
22 Amei te ver 500 Opera
23 an ordinary day 350 Opera
24 And you suddenly think 695 Opera
25 Angels Fall First 500 Opera
26 Antalya Concert 500 Opera
27 Are you tired of me yet? 500 Opera
28 as it was 500 Opera
29 As long as you’re smiling 500 Opera
30 às vezes sonho com aquele dia 500 Opera
31 atrapalhada 500 Opera
32 Baku Concert 500 Opera
33 Bare Grace Misery 500 Opera
34 barulhos noturnos 500 Opera
35 Because of You 500 Opera
36 beija eu 500 Opera
37 Belgrade Concert 500 Opera
38 Beth, a véia! 500 Opera
39 beyond that smile 500 Opera
40 Bink's no Sake 500 Opera
41 Bless the Child 500 Opera
42 Bora fugir? 215 Opera
43 Born from silence 500 Opera
44 Budapest Concert 555 Opera
45 Burn my lips 500 Opera
46 Bye Bye Beautiful 500 Opera
47 Cadence Of Her Last Breath 500 Opera
48 caí na sua 500 Opera
49 Calma, só me beija 500 Opera
50 Can I wish on a star for another life? 500 Opera
51 Cansado 500 Opera
52 cansei, vou dormir 500 Opera
53 Can't you see? 500 Opera
54 carai 500 Opera
55 'Cause I'm falling slowly in love with u 700 Opera
56 chá de cadeira 500 Opera
57 chaleira fervendo 500 Opera
58 Cla15 500 Opera
59 Cla18 500 Opera
60 Cla4 500 Opera
61 classic 1 215 Opera
62 close my eyes 500 Opera
63 come back to me 500 Opera
64 Communion 500 Opera
65 Could you love me the same? 500 Opera
66 Cozy up in these sheets 355 Opera
67 Crownless 500 Opera
68 damn 500 Opera
69 Dançando fora do ritmo 500 Opera
70 Dark Chest of Wonders 500 Opera
71 Dead Boy's Poem 500 Opera
72 deadly kiss 500 Opera
73 dear my friend 500 Opera
74 Deixa eu querer amar 500 Opera
75 Deixa eu querer voar 500 Opera
76 Devil And The Deep Dark Ocean 500 Opera
77 Dont you dare 500 Opera
78 Don't you ever fear, I'm always near 500 Opera
79 E esse medo que cresce e não para 500 Opera
80 e morreu 500 Opera
81 E no teu olho meu olhar ficou 500 Opera
82 E te convido pra dançar 500 Opera
83 É teu meu ver 500 Opera
84 Eclipse 500 Opera
85 Ela era só uma menina 500 Opera
86 Ela faz minha pupila dilatar 500 Opera
87 ela nunca mais acordou 500 Opera
88 Ela o chama de Gordin 195 Opera
89 Élan 500 Opera
90 Elvenpath 500 Opera
91 Emergency 500 Opera
92 esperando na banca 500 Opera
93 eu e tu, verso e poesia 490 Opera
94 Eu fico aqui imaginando coisas com você 500 Opera
95 Eu mirei na Lua 500 Opera
96 eu não sabia 500 Opera
97 Eu preciso de você pra existir 500 Opera
98 Eu quero que você seja a minha última 475 Opera
99 Ever Dream 500 Opera
100 Far Away 500 Opera
101 Feche os olhos por um momento 460 Opera
102 Filme e pipoca 465 Opera
103 find me again 500 Opera
104 Fire on the Mountain 500 Opera
105 First things first 500 Opera
106 flor da praia 195 Opera
107 Fogo e Gasolina 500 Opera
108 foguete 500 Opera
109 For you 475 Opera
110 For you and me 535 Opera
111 garotinha, eu te amo 475 Opera
112 Gatekeeper 500 Opera
113 get ahead 500 Opera
114 Gethsemane 500 Opera
115 Ghost Love Score 500 Opera
116 Ghost River 500 Opera
117 gossip: he loves you 480 Opera
118 graças a deusa 500 Opera
119 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Opera
120 Gravity's holdin' me back 500 Opera
121 great 500 Opera
122 Há um buraco no meu coração 115 Opera
123 Hate that I'm singing this song 260 Opera
124 Hate that you love someone else 500 Opera
125 haven’t changed, it’s still the same me 240 Opera
126 He feels at home in this place 355 Opera
127 here we go 500 Opera
128 House of the Rising Sun 500 Opera
129 How did I let you go again? 500 Opera
130 Hungarian Dance N.2 500 Opera
131 Hungarian Dance N.4 500 Opera
132 Hungarian Dance N.7 500 Opera
133 Hyperview 500 Opera
134 I came here to get some dopamine 440 Opera
135 I can love you good 500 Opera
136 i can make you mad 500 Opera
137 I can't compete 500 Opera
138 I couldn't escape 500 Opera
139 i dare you 500 Opera
140 I don't care what they say about us 500 Opera
141 I don't think I could love you more 690 Opera
142 i feel like dying 500 Opera
143 I got a problem, think I'm into you 480 Opera
144 I got things to say before I go 500 Opera
145 I guess I gotta stay now 700 Opera
146 i hate you 500 Opera
147 i hate you (that's a lie) 500 Opera
148 I hope it lasts forever 270 Opera
149 I just wanna get close to you 350 Opera
150 I kept the stress alive 705 Opera
151 i know it's lonely in the dark 500 Opera
152 I know you've been waiting for me 500 Opera
153 i like that 210 Opera
154 i like you (so the jokes on me) 500 Opera
155 I need to cry 500 Opera
156 I need to run 500 Opera
157 I really need a hug 500 Opera
158 i see the fire inside your eyes 500 Opera
159 I see you come back to me 190 Opera
160 I thought we could work 500 Opera
161 I told you, I'm fine tonight 690 Opera
162 I try to fall for her touch 500 Opera
163 i wanna know what you're thinking 475 Opera
164 I Want My Tears Back 500 Opera
165 I want release 500 Opera
166 I want relief 500 Opera
167 i want you right here 355 Opera
168 I want you, I need you 480 Opera
169 I was broken from a young age 500 Opera
170 I will sleep in her eyes 700 Opera
171 I wish I could stay with you 500 Opera
172 I wish that it would last forever 250 Opera
173 I would give it all up for us 500 Opera
174 I’d run through the storm 500 Opera
175 if it's forever, it's even better 245 Opera
176 i'll bring you heaven 330 Opera
177 I'll do anything 500 Opera
178 I'll let you decide 350 Opera
179 I'll love you till the day that I die 260 Opera
180 I'm a dumb teen boy 500 Opera
181 I'm addicted to you 500 Opera
182 i'm gonna love the hell outta you 150 Opera
183 I'm in the belly of the beast 500 Opera
184 I'm running out of time 500 Opera
185 I'm trying to be somebody else 500 Opera
186 I'ma say all the words inside my head 500 Opera
187 Imaginaerum 500 Opera
188 In This River 215 Opera
189 in your jean pocket 500 Opera
190 Is this really my life? 500 Opera
191 it feels like I'm all on my own 500 Opera
192 it makes me cry like the rain 500 Opera
193 it was always you 260 Opera
194 It was nice to know you 500 Opera
195 It’s been a couple months 710 Opera
196 It’s so natural to love you 500 Opera
197 It’s the final curtain call 500 Opera
198 it’s too fast for you 500 Opera
199 it's a kind of magic 500 Opera
200 it's a lonely city 500 Opera
201 it's not the same as it was 500 Opera
202 it's pushin' me harder 690 Opera
203 I've wanted to be somebody new 500 Opera
204 Jamie <3 500 Opera
205 Kurama 545 Opera
206 la meillеure chose qui m'est arrivée 480 Opera
207 Last of the Wilds 500 Opera
208 Last Ride of the Day 500 Opera
209 Like an echo in the forest 500 Opera
210 Linda do jeito que é 500 Opera
211 Little Mermaid 500 Opera
212 Little Prune 500 Opera
213 Little Secret 500 Opera
214 look into my eyes 500 Opera
215 Me ama pra sempre? 225 Opera
216 Me desatei no teu abraço quente 500 Opera
217 Me encaixo no teu cheiro 500 Opera
218 Me leva desse lugar 500 Opera
219 me perdi em você 500 Opera
220 menina da foto 500 Opera
221 Meow 555 Opera
222 meu pai 500 Opera
223 minha ópera 500 Opera
224 Miss u 500 Opera
225 miss you, N 500 Opera
226 Mommy's Little Girl 500 Opera
227 Moondance 500 Opera
228 música barroca 500 Opera
229 my better half 500 Opera
230 my everything 500 Opera
231 My love is a life taker 500 Opera
232 My Return To The Sea 500 Opera
233 My sour boy 500 Opera
234 N maneiras de te encontrar 500 Opera
235 N.10 500 Opera
236 na casa da tia 500 Opera
237 namora comigo? 500 Opera
238 Namora eu 190 Opera
239 não quero dividir você com mais ninguém 500 Opera
240 Não sou bicho-papão mas vou te pegar 500 Opera
241 Nemo 500 Opera
242 New Memories 500 Opera
243 Ninguém me conhece mais do que você 520 Opera
244 No Big Deal 500 Opera
245 no brain 500 Opera
246 Nocturne N.1 500 Opera
247 Nocturne N.3 500 Opera
248 Nocturne N.6 500 Opera
249 Nocturne N.7 500 Opera
250 Nothin' to say 500 Opera
251 nothing can outshine you 500 Opera
252 Nozarashi 500 Opera
253 o amor que sempre quis mostrar 500 Opera
254 O bom da vida é dividir a vida 500 Opera
255 O bom da vida é dividir o dia 500 Opera
256 O coração dispara, tropeça, quase para 500 Opera
257 o coração não bate mais 500 Opera
258 O nome dele é Gordo Gordico 500 Opera
259 o que é que a gente vai fazer? 500 Opera
260 o que eu bebi? 500 Opera
261 O que eu mais quero é tua companhia 500 Opera
262 O seu brilho é o meu abrigo 500 Opera
263 O tempo continua sozinho 540 Opera
264 Oh, it’s too fast for you? 515 Opera
265 olha ele roncando 500 Opera
266 olha la quem vem virando a esquina 500 Opera
267 Olha você vindo me provocar 500 Opera
268 Olhando filme de terror 500 Opera
269 once it's gone, it's never coming back 500 Opera
270 Onda boa que me leva 500 Opera
271 one day you'll feel lonely 500 Opera
272 One more night to die 540 Opera
273 One more night to live forever 500 Opera
274 only love can hurt like this 500 Opera
275 Oops 500 Opera
276 Orchestral Suite N.1 500 Opera
277 Orchestral Suite N.3 500 Opera
278 Orchestral Suite N.5 500 Opera
279 Orchestral Suite N.6 500 Opera
280 os dias vão pra nunca mais 500 Opera
281 Outono e ventania 500 Opera
282 Over The Hills 500 Opera
283 Parece que hoje vai chover de novo 500 Opera
284 Passion And The Opera 500 Opera
285 Peer Gynt Suite 500 Opera
286 Piano e melodia 500 Opera
287 Planar de asa delta 500 Opera
288 Planet Hell 500 Opera
289 Porque parece que sou o único assim 500 Opera
290 Pra falar o que tá aqui dentro de mim 500 Opera
291 Pra sempre cansado 500 Opera
292 Pra vida 500 Opera
293 Pra você guardei o amor 500 Opera
294 praieiro 210 Opera
295 Pretend it doesn't bother me 500 Opera
296 Procuro a solidão 500 Opera
297 Promete que vai ser pra sempre assim 500 Opera
298 Prune's Melody N.1 500 Opera
299 Qual é a rua que tu mora? 500 Opera
300 Quando eu toquei na tua mão 500 Opera
301 Quem diria... 500 Opera
302 Quero te amar sem medo 500 Opera
303 Reach 500 Opera
304 Reina <3 500 Opera
305 Right back to you on rainy days 500 Opera
306 Ringin' the bell 500 Opera
307 Romanticide 500 Opera
308 Roubei um disco voador 500 Opera
309 roubei uma flor 500 Opera
310 Ruri'iro Kujaku 500 Opera
311 Sacrament Of Wilderness 500 Opera
312 Sails To Orion 500 Opera
313 say my name 500 Opera
314 Se a gente existe ainda existe o amor 500 Opera
315 Second things second 500 Opera
316 Seeing the beauty through the pain 500 Opera
317 Seems you cannot be replaced 500 Opera
318 Sem qualquer aviso 500 Opera
319 Sem você eu já nem sei mais respirar 500 Opera
320 Será que existe mesmo uma saída? 500 Opera
321 She Is My Sin 500 Opera
322 she so perfect 500 Opera
323 Shhh 500 Opera
324 Shudder Before The Beautiful 500 Opera
325 silver and gold 500 Opera
326 Sinfonia n.2 500 Opera
327 Sinfonia n.5 500 Opera
328 Sinfonia n.8 500 Opera
329 Sleeping Sun 500 Opera
330 so caught up in the moment 500 Opera
331 Só ele faz minha pupila dilatar 500 Opera
332 Só ligue se tiver vontade 500 Opera
333 Só não esquece que meu coração é seu 500 Opera
334 só o seu sorriso já me faz tão bem 500 Opera
335 Só venha se quiser me ver 500 Opera
336 So what can I do? 500 Opera
337 Sode no Shirayuki 500 Opera
338 Sõgyo no Kotowari 500 Opera
339 some things never change 500 Opera
340 Sometimes, I think I'm dead 500 Opera
341 Somos pão e padaria 500 Opera
342 Sonata n.4 500 Opera
343 Sonata n.7 500 Opera
344 Sonata n.8 500 Opera
345 Sonata n.9 500 Opera
346 Song of Myself 500 Opera
347 sonhei com você 500 Opera
348 Sonhei que as pessoas eram boas 500 Opera
349 Sonhei que as pessoas eram boas 500 Opera
350 sonsa 500 Opera
351 sorria 500 Opera
352 sorria, você está sendo amado 500 Opera
353 Sorrir sem saber porquê 500 Opera
354 Stargazers 500 Opera
355 stay through the night just me and you 265 Opera
356 still friends, not lovers 500 Opera
357 stop making it obvious 500 Opera
358 Storytime 500 Opera
359 stranger 500 Opera
360 Suzumushi 500 Opera
361 Swanheart 500 Opera
362 take the world off my shoulders 500 Opera
363 Tantas pessoas se dando bem aqui 500 Opera
364 Tão sua que nem sei 500 Opera
365 te amei 500 Opera
366 Tell me what to do 500 Opera
367 tell me what you wanna do with me 500 Opera
368 Teu riso <3 Meu norte 500 Opera
369 thanks 500 Opera
370 the flint & the fuel 500 Opera
371 The Four Seasons 500 Opera
372 The Greatest Show On Earth 500 Opera
373 The Last Amazing Blue 500 Opera
374 The Pharaoh 500 Opera
375 The Riddler 500 Opera
376 The way that things have been 500 Opera
377 there's no time to wait 500 Opera
378 Third things third 500 Opera
379 this time, it's real 500 Opera
380 Tô sabendo de tudo 500 Opera
381 to the moon & back 500 Opera
382 Todo o medo é metade 500 Opera
383 touch me with your lips 500 Opera
384 trevo 500 Opera
385 trevo de 4 folhas 500 Opera
386 um brinde 500 Opera
387 um sorriso a dois 500 Opera
388 um vislumbre de nós 500 Opera
389 under my skin 500 Opera
390 Vai ser assim E vai ser bom 500 Opera
391 Vê se não esquece e me ilumina 500 Opera
392 Vem, aquece a minha alma 500 Opera
393 Voar no céu da sua boca 500 Opera
394 você quer passear na neve? 500 Opera
395 Vou te fazer feliz enquanto eu for capaz 500 Opera
396 vou te guardar num potinho 500 Opera
397 Wabisuke 500 Opera
398 waiting for me 500 Opera
399 Waiting to get there 500 Opera
400 wake me up when you come back 500 Opera
401 Walking In The Air 500 Opera
402 wanna feel alive 835 Opera
403 We can hide away 500 Opera
404 we should stick together 250 Opera
405 We'll run away together 500 Opera
406 We're fine 500 Opera
407 what are you thinking about 500 Opera
408 what you think that I could be 500 Opera
409 What you think you're doin'? 520 Opera
410 when the spring has to turn to summer 500 Opera
411 where's the star? 500 Opera
412 Why don't we leave it at that? 500 Opera
413 Wild Child 500 Opera
414 Wish I could take back the time 500 Opera
415 Wish I Had an Angel 500 Opera
416 Wish I knew how to find the way 500 Opera
417 Wishmaster 500 Opera
418 Won't you crawl up in this bed with me 515 Opera
419 Writing my poems for the few 500 Opera
420 you are my favorite thought 500 Opera
421 you can call me prince 500 Opera
422 you can try and accept it all 630 Opera
423 you damn bitch 500 Opera
424 you damn cute 500 Opera
425 You got me heatin' up 265 Opera
426 you got me on a leash 310 Opera
427 you got me ready 500 Opera
428 you made me a believer 500 Opera
429 you make me laugh 500 Opera
430 You pull me back every time I quit 500 Opera
431 You telling me sweet nothings 500 Opera
432 you'll end up in my arms 500 Opera
433 Your body feels like disrespect 500 Opera
434 Your Song 500 Opera
435 you're a bother 500 Opera
436 you're always in my hair 500 Opera
437 you're my sunshine 500 Opera
438 you're out of sight 500 Opera
439 you're so selfish 500 Opera
440 Zabimaru 500 Opera
441 Zangetsu 500 Opera

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 347 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.