
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 Abidik Gubidik 495 Country Blues
2 Ateşini yolla bana 490 Female Vocal Blues
3 Babacım bu senin için 490 Country Blues
4 Ben bir ceviz ağacıyım Gülhane Parkında. 500 Electric Blues
5 Black Desert 500 New Orleans Blues
6 Bounty Hunter 500 Boogie Woogie
7 Ciao Bella 460 New Orleans Blues
8 Dere Boyu Kavaklar 500 Texas Blues
9 Devekuşu Kabare 500 Texas Blues
10 Dudaklarına Doyamam ki 500 Dirty Blues
11 Elder Scrolls 500 St. Louis Blues
12 Endless Orgasm 460 Female Vocal Blues
13 Eteklerinde Donardım 500 New Orleans Blues
14 Ferhangi Şeyler 500 Boogie Woogie
15 Geri Dönüşler Hızlı Hızlı 500 New Orleans Blues
16 Gözleri Gözlerime Karışan 500 Chicago Blues
17 Hayalkırıklığı olmasın bu kez 500 British Blues
18 Hiçe açılan kapılar önündeyim.. 500 Boogie Woogie
19 I Suck Your Feet Babygirl ! 495 New Orleans Blues
20 İnci Tanem Aşığınım 500 Chicago Blues
21 Kalandar Soğuğu 500 Chicago Blues
22 Kaligo 580 Delta Blues
23 Kardelen 500 Zydeco Blues
24 Kariyere Devam 475 New Orleans Blues
25 Kaşıntılı 500 Zydeco Blues
26 Kupa Kızı 500 British Blues
27 Kurban Bayramında Kurban Edilen Aşklar 500 Chicago Blues
28 Mukavva Kalpli 500 Chicago Blues
29 My Love Tinkerbell 500 British Blues
30 Negatif Enerji Yüklü Bir Çarşamba 500 Chicago Blues
31 Olgun ve de Dolgun 500 Zydeco Blues
32 Peri Kızının Ayakizleri 500 British Blues
33 Pfff yaz babam yaz.. 480 St. Louis Blues
34 Ronaldinho efsanesi 450 St. Louis Blues
35 Ruhumun Tek Sahibi Tink 500 Detroit Blues
36 Secret Girl 500 Electric Blues
37 Sensiz Donuyorum 500 Electric Blues
38 Sevdan Bir Ateş 500 Detroit Blues
39 Tekirdağın Rakısı bir hoş eder beni... 455 Delta Blues
40 Tutku İmparatorluğu 500 Electric Blues
41 What A Life !!! 500 New Orleans Blues
42 Yine Sen Hep Sen Güzel Perim.. 480 Female Vocal Blues
43 Yorgunluk 500 Detroit Blues
44 You Hacked ! 500 New Orleans Blues
45 Zirveye Adım Adım 500 New Orleans Blues

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 5 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.