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Record Contract

You need a record contract in order to release a record. If you don't have one you need to convince a suitable record studio to offer you one. There's no need to rush this, you won't need a record contract until you've been in the game for a while. Record contracts offered to this artist will be listed on this page. For a complete history of all contracts signed by this artist click here.

Currently Signed Contract

Studio: Dark Records ML | RIO (Rio de Janeiro)
Company: Dark Co.
Royalty: 50% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 10/13/2023 to 8/15/2025
Marketing Level: None (Set by S. Dark on 3/31/2024.)
Records Tied to this Contract Release
Se me fue el viaipi Single 3/11/2025
Hormonalmente loca Single 2/11/2025
Quiero hacer pipí Single 1/14/2025
Nada ha cambiado Single 12/17/2024
Se mantienen las viejas Full Length Album 12/4/2024
No logramos coincidir Single 11/19/2024
11, chupalo entonceh Single 10/22/2024
Ro & To Single 9/24/2024
Nos dejan sudando y tiritando Single 8/27/2024
Seguimos con las viejas? Full Length Album 8/13/2024
Insertar song Single 7/30/2024
Sexodio Single 7/2/2024
Odiando la ruler Single 6/4/2024
No mezcles pastillas Single 5/7/2024
Y si usamos las viejas? Full Length Album 4/30/2024
Washito carnúo Single 4/9/2024
Cuarteto Single 3/12/2024
Está me la pidió la To Single 2/13/2024
Conchalalora Single 1/16/2024
Paparazzi Single 12/19/2023
Chi bah puta la weá Single 11/21/2023